Mathematical Art and Visualisation

January 27, 2015     Major update. New algorithms and old projects.

November 16, 2014     Domino building and computation.
March 19, 2014     New design study.

parametric fractals                                    



Orbit Trap blog     HiRes: 7680x5760x36MB






simple algorithms for 2D      

  Simple Explicit
Chessboard pattern

z = sin(2*x+y)*cos(2*y-x);
if z>0
  RGB(i,j,1:2) = 0.9-y/10;
  RGB(i,j,3) = 1;
  RGB(i,j,1) = 0.3+(x-3)/20;
Archimedean spirals

phi = atan2(y,x)+sqrt(x^2+y^2);
T = (1+cos(6*phi+pi));

RGB(i,j,1) = T/2*mod(phi/pi,1);
RGB(i,j,2) = T/3*mod(phi/pi+1/3,1);
RGB(i,j,3) = T/4*mod(phi/pi+2/3,1);

Isoline pattern

z = sin(x) + cos(y) + cos(x/3);

RGB(i,j,1) = 30*sin(7*z)-28;
RGB(i,j,2) = RGB(i,j,1)/1.5;
RGB(i,j,3) = -30*sin(7*z)-29.2;
  Advanced Explicit
Chladni Plate Patterns

u = [0.5-rand 0.5-rand]';
u = u/norm(u)/2;
v = rand;

U = u(1)*x-u(2)*y + v;
f = cos(N*pi*x/L)*cos(M*pi*y/L);
f = f - cos(M*pi*x/L)*cos(N*pi*y/L);
f = 1.3/(1+(5.25+4.75*sin(U))*100*f*f)-rand/2;

RGB(i,j,:) = f;
Mandelbrot Fractal

x0 = x;
y0 = y;
n  = 0;
rho = x^2 + y^2;
while rho < 16 && n < 21
  phi = 2*atan2(y,x);
  x = rho*cos(phi) + x0;
  y = rho*sin(phi) + y0;
  n = n+1;
  rho = x^2 + y^2;

if n<21
  RGB(i,j,1) = (n-2)/18;
  RGB(i,j,2) = (n-5)/15;
  RGB(i,j,3) = (n-10)/10;

  Plasma Helix - crosseye stereoscopic
z = -3; T = 0; t = 0; t0 = 0; w = x; istep = 0;
while z<3
  S = sqrt(y*y+z*z)-2+0.5*sin(3*x+atan2(y,z)-2*sqrt(y*y+z*z))
  t0 = t; t = 3/(1+exp(100*(abs(S)-0.02)));
  T = T + (t0+t)/2*istep;
  istep = max(0.001,abs(S)/5-0.01);
  z = z + istep;
  x = x + w*istep*0.05;
T = 2/pi*atan(T);
RGB(i,j,:) = [T^2 T^3 T];


Rotating view 400x400 28 MB

Threshold variation 640x640 14 MB
Plasma Gyroid

z = -2;
T = 0; t = 0; t0 = 0;
istep = 0;

while z<0
  rho = 3 + 50/(1+(sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)+1)^2);
  S = -(cos(x*rho)*sin(y*rho) + cos(y*rho)*sin(z*rho) + cos(z*rho)*sin(x*rho) + 2 - 16/(16+x^4+y^4+z^4));
  t0 = t; t = 15/(1+exp(200*(abs(S)-0.02)));
  T = T + (t0+t)/2*istep;
  istep = max(0.001,abs(S)/55-0.01);
  z = z + istep;
T = 2/pi*atan(T);

RGB(i,j,:) = [T^2.5 T^3 T];

download m-file
  Parametric 1D


for k = 0:pi/500:200*pi
  x =  cos(k/200*3)*sin(2*k) + sin(k/200*3)*sin(1*k) + 5.5*cos(k/100);
  y = -sin(k/200*3)*sin(2*k) + cos(k/200*3)*sin(1*k) + 2.5*sin(k/100);

Defocused, background [0.9 0.9 0.7]
  Parametric 2D

Water caustics

30 random wave functions
Snell's law
Calculated from 85 million points on the water surface

science and engineering      

  Beam bending in perfect plasticity
  Pressure Vessel - assembly and pressurization
  Elastic wire simulation study

domino building and computation      


coming soon
  Logic AND gates

  Logic OR gates

  Dry domino structures - beechwood 50×25×8 mm
  Tower of Pi, 750 pieces



Merkur Airgun (2001)

Spaghetti bridge (2001)

Merkur Airgun (2005)

Hotel fork hanger hack


Fractal Forums

Paul Nylander

Torolf Sauermann

Michael Hansmeyer

Brady Haran: Nottingham Science

Feel free to contact the author[at]